126 days till the adventure starts

Words can’t express the excitement I am currently feeling about GlobeTrek. Almost giddy, which sort of feels like a mixture of carbonation and indigestion. I’m not quite sure what to do with it quite yet. As of now all I can do is pray, read, and mentally prepare myself for the adventure to come and the responsibilities that I will have. I just got home, and I’m already unpacked and ready to hit Kamloops!

One of those is that I’ve been selected to be the team leader by Emma (my professor) and Kendi (her assistant). They prefer to call it point person as the role isn’t as much as leading, but coordinating and working with the others. This is an amazing, and exciting, opportunity as I will surely be challenged to be considerate of others and lead them with integrity. It will be on my shoulders a lot of the time to make sure things go smoothly and even to initiate things.

The days left until I leave for GlobeTrek
It’s so close! Support me –> Here

I still need some shots and I need to get a job. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks I can get the shots in. As for the job, I hope I am able to overcome anxiety and get something that is challenging and that I love. It would also be cool to have something that actually was cross-cultural, or at least with some kids. Keeping me in your prayers for this would be greatly appreciated.

P.S Does anyone know Portuguese, or know someone who does that wants to sort of quasi-tutor me?


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